Written by JP B. Bantigue – Poetry, Stories, and Creative Musings
By the way, I write poetry and prose too. Some are personal, some are reflective, and some just exist because words have a way of finding me. Feel free to explore these pieces written by myself—who knows, you might find something that speaks to you.
Across the Universe
Across the Universe is a short story I have written in 2008 as an entry to the 3rd Philippine Graphic Fiction Awards.
Cliff by the Sea / Message in a Bottle
Cliff by the Sea / Message in a Bottle is about a young boy who unexpectedly receives a “voice” message from under the sea.
Door In The Dark, A
A Door In The Dark is the first of many short stories about a door that takes our protagonist, Corin, places he could never have imagined.
In The Dark
There were tales of vanishing livestock and tales of gruesome mutilations but one tale in the dark has never been spoken of.
Is There Hope Among Us?
Is There Hope Among Us? is a short sci-fi one-shot story about unity and division, hope and despair, order and chaos.
Keeper is set in an alternate reality 27 years into the future after certain catastrophic events in the world of Astralis.
Landas ng Buhay
Landas ng Buhay is an undeveloped and unpublished manifest comic idea for the Komikon Summer Fiest 2009 Comic Creation Contest.
Last Resort, The
Warning: some graphic scenes and material for more mature audiences.
My Book Project
My Book Project is a collection of poems and songs I have written from 2004 to 2016, compiled like a book: divided into chapters.
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