Card Games
Politricks 2.0 – A Tactical Take on Political Deception… or Is It?
Politics is a game—both literally and figuratively. Politricks 2.0 attempts to refine its predecessor’s concept, bringing political maneuvering to the tabletop once again. Unfortunately, while it introduces a few tweaks, the execution leaves much to be desired. Politricks 2.0 – Re-Election Cover of Politricks 2.0, showing a cartoonish political satire with a corrupt leader standing…
Top 10 List of Board Games I Loved During My Childhood
Before board games (and card games) had been re-popularized in the past few years, as a kid, I was lucky enough to have tried some of the games that are still popular until now. This, I realize today, must be one of the reasons why I love tabletop games. Here’s my Top 10 List of…
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