Lorbie: The Rings

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Lorbie: The Rings is a concept comic that is a direct parody of The Lord of the Rings and many other fictional sources.

Lorbie: The Rings

Early cover art, circa 2003

From left to right: The Whiz of Oz (a voodoo wizard and mathematician), Playful (a giant dwarf barbarian), Lorbie (the main protagonist), Talentado (a talented bard), Arfonso (a were-dog), Master Yogalas (an elven ranger with the power of the force) and Zero.

Character improvements

Circa 2003

From left to right: Master Yogalas, Jakk (formerly Playful), Rabbit (The Whiz of Oz revealed under the hood), Lorbie, Arfonso, Talentado and Zero.

The origin of the characters

The characters in this comic parody were based on my blockmates in college during that time. I’ll try hard to remember how the characters above were derived from them.

Lorbie and the Ring of Power

Circa 2003

Lorbie is a simple human with no special abilities of any kind. He possesses the Ring of Power that turns him into a super saiyan when he gets angry.

Lorbie is based on my blockmate, Lorbie, and he is the main protagonist of this story.

Arfonso and the Ring of the Moon

Circa 2003

Arfonso is Lorbie’s faithful dog. He stumbled into the Ring of the Moon, a large ring previously worn by a giant, and accidentally slipped it onto his neck. This ring turns Arfonso into a weredog with superhuman abilities every time the moon’s light shines on it.

Arfonso is based on my blockmate, Ken, who has his hair pop up like Wolverine’s, that’s why I had to turn him into the dog.

Jakk the Giant Dwarf Barbarian and the Ring of Strength

Circa 2003

Previously named Playful as a direct play on Snow White’s seven dwarves, Jakk is a giant dwarf barbarian who later was able to possess the Ring of Strength, a ring that allows its wearer to exude superhuman strength.

Jakk is based on my giant blockmate, Macoy.

Master Yogalas and the Ring of the Force

Circa 2003

Master Yogalas is a direct parody of the characters Yoda and Legolas. He possesses the Ring of the Force, which allows him to, well, use the Force to shoot his arrows and swing a lightsaber.

Yogalas is based on my blockmate, Ben.

Rabbit AKA The Whiz of Oz and Ring of Storms

Circa 2003

Previously known only as The Whiz of Oz, Rabbit is a voodoo wizard and mathematician who possesses the Ring of Storms, a ring that allows its wearer to control the weather.

Rabbit is based on my mathematician blockmate, Larry.

Talentado and the Ring of Sound

Circa 2003

Talentado is a talented, wandering bard who came upon Zero in his travels. He possesses the Ring of Sound that lets its wearer release soundwaves.

Talentado is based on my talented blockmate, Rey.

Anything I can help you with?