Name: Eron Halo
AKA: Halo
Faction: Canceller
School of Specialization: Cannonite
Brief History:
Eron’s parents were brutally massacred by a ruthless Hell Angel. This Hell Angel later sympathized with Eron pretending to be the good guy, tricking him into ravaging a Canceller camp. Eron later discovers that he has been deceived and later awakens as a Canceller.
Both his legs were amputated during an explosion in Starlyt City. Union X Alpha Biomechanics immediately helped him, by attaching biomechatronic legs to his body.
Unique Ability (UA): Godhand
A gigantic hand, believed to belong to an Unseen, comes out of a ring of light behind Eron, acting as his own, in coordination with his mind.
This ethereal hand, like Cannonite Canceller’s hands, has a Sacred Gate wrapped around it. The Gate on the Godhand is twice as powerful as one.