AllRewards Website

AllRewards Website

Type of work:



Tools used:

Design and development of the AllRewards Website. AllRewards is a loyalty membership program for the brands AllAmerican, AllDay, AllHome, AllShoppe, AllToys, Coffee Project, AllElectrics, Bake My Day, My Mother’s Cupboard and Finds Finds.

Mock-ups and development of the AllRewards website

Their current website is based on this design study. Once a final design was approved, Mel Pedron, a colleague at BUILD, started building the website from the ground up, including its very own Content Management System (CMS), that allowed them to update the News & Offers.


Desktop layout


Mobile layout

Disclaimer: Any work done for BUILD is not personal work, but rather has been developed for purposes of its client/s. All images and content belong to BUILD and/or the client, unless otherwise stated.

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