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My Book Project

My Book Project is a collection of poems and songs I have written from 2004 to 2016, compiled like a book: divided into chapters.


I can’t quite remember when the first time I actually started writing in verses was. To begin with, I was particularly fond of creating art but wasn’t necessarily keen on reading poems or books. There were three episodes in my youth when I had been, I guess, “introduced “to the idea of writing: the earliest I could recall was when I wrote a poem about my junior high friends, as a requirement for school work; another was when I translated the song “One of Us” by Joanne Osborne into Tagalog (particularly inspired by Michael V’s song parodies in Bubble Gang), also as a requirement for school; and another was when I wrote a simple song called “TCCIC” for a girl I had a crush on.

It was only after almost half a decade when I started writing again. Being surrounded by creative people, I was inspired to write stories, poetry and lyrics; oftentimes about life, love and regrets.

My Book Project is a collection of poems and songs I have written from 2004 to 2016, compiled like a book: divided into chapters. The pieces in this collection are not entirely in chronological order but arranged to create a series of themes and emotions that depict each chapter.

You can also get it on Google Play Books.

If you knew me from back in my DeviantART days, some of the titles may be familiar to you and some not entirely, as I have edited and revamped most of these prior to publishing the book.

Other ways to pay

I noted that not all of you have Itch accounts so I made my GCash available for those of you who don’t have Paypal or Itch, for that matter. Also, Itch is priced more expensive because it would have fees, so you can just send me the equivalent amount of what I think is fair (minimum of Php 500) directly and I will send you the files, soon after you sent the receipt to my email: jpbb.uiux@gmail.com.

Other ways to support

If you still want to support, without actually buying the book, please feel free to share the link with your musician friends or contacts. It would be great to actually hear a few of my pieces in their own rendition/s someday.

Creative Commons License

If you are a musician or if you’re aspiring to be one, feel free to render my words into actual songs. If you think my words can still be improved, be creative and enhance them. Just be sure to let me know! Share, shout out, and let my words and your music inspire others!

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