Zoo is a wonderfully drawn and well-written comic by Frank Pé and Philippe Bonifay, respectively. Set just before the First World War, Zoo tells of the story of four people–a doctor, a sculptor, an orphaned child, and a Russian woman with a troubled past–and how a menagerie helped them become a family.
There are 3 books in total and each book tells of the different phases in each character’s lives, but most specifically, the journey of Anna, the Russian woman who traveled halfway around the world to redeem her soul.
The animals in the comic are wonderfully drawn, to the point you would wish that the zoo was real.
There are certain sexual depictions in the comic and thus making the comic not suitable for younger readers.
I found the story slightly difficult to understand at first, but as the story progressed, I found it interesting, deep, and meaningful. I give this story 5 stars out of 5.